Posti che sono piaciuti a Connie
Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy Stores is one of Posti che sono piaciuti a Connie.

1. Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy Stores

1529 SW 89th St (btwn Penn & Kentucky), Oklahoma City, OK
Ristorante fast food · 3 consigli e recensioni
Soda Pop's Cafe is one of Posti che sono piaciuti a Connie.

2. Soda Pop's Cafe

1020 SW 119th St (S Western Ave), Oklahoma City, OK
Bar Caffè · 17 consigli e recensioni

ConnieConnie: Indian tacos and onion burgers are great

Swadley's is one of Posti che sono piaciuti a Connie.

3. Swadley's

8317 S Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK
Locale per barbecue · 9 consigli e recensioni

ConnieConnie: The smoked chicken dinner is very good, and it's hard to beat their fried okra cooked crispy.