Chris Hooton

Chris Hooton


London, ENG
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 15 Follower
  • 35 Seguendo
  • Liste 10

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Chris Hooton
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Chris Hooton
4 posti aggiornati
4 posti incluso The Duke of Edinburgh, The Landor, Roundhouse, Harrisons Dogs
Liste di ChrisListe create da ChrisListe Chris seguite
"Had the red snapper here last night. Not just some of the best fish I've had in India, some of the best fish I've had full stop. Good spot to watch the footy as well."
Chris HootonChris Hooton · Dicembre 2, 2013
· Varkala, India
"Best value restaurant in Valencia. Opens at nine, get there early as you can't book a table."
Chris HootonChris Hooton · Maggio 23, 2013
· Valencia, Spagna