Posti salvati di Annika
Lilla Hotellbaren is one of Posti salvati di Annika.

1. Lilla Hotellbaren

Götgatan 49-51 (Scandic Malmen), Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Bar dell'hotel · Östra Katarina · 14 consigli e recensioni

Feffe K.Feffe Kaufmann: Good place to work online!

2. skarp

studiestræde 30a, Copenaghen, Region Hovedstaden
Non categorizzato · Indre By · 1 consiglio

Henriette W.Henriette Weber: pub in for coffee at - they are super nice guys Leggi tutto.

Tekniska museet is one of Posti salvati di Annika.

3. Tekniska museet

Museivägen 7, Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Musei di scienze · Gärdet · 56 consigli e recensioni

Chris H.Chris Heuer: Check out the Pirate Bay server on floor 2 and the incredble car collection!

SJ Lounge is one of Posti salvati di Annika.

4. SJ Lounge

Centralplan 19 (Stockholms Centralstation), Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Sala d'attesa viaggiatori · Klara · 22 consigli e recensioni

Fredrik S.Fredrik Stenbeck: Free wifi and actually really nice if some time left before the train leaves. Two big thumbs up for the staff.

Österlånggatan 17 is one of Posti salvati di Annika.

5. Österlånggatan 17

Österlånggatan 17, Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante scandinavo · Storkyrkan · 53 consigli e recensioni

Fredrik H.Fredrik Henning: This is nice place that I as well can recommend to each and everyone. Enjoy!