Andreas Baumert

Andreas Baumert


Bloomfield, NJ
  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 96 Follower
  • 80 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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New York
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Andreas Baumert
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Andreas Baumert
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"The best place to watch the giants lose a game"
Andreas BaumertAndreas Baumert · Agosto 13, 2011
Abitazione (privata)
· Stati Uniti
"If a bum asks you for a dollar, ask them for a cigarette and they'll go away."
Andreas BaumertAndreas Baumert · Agosto 2, 2011
Stazione ferroviaria
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Hottest grill in town. Make sure you ask that your meat be cooked on low."
Andreas BaumertAndreas Baumert · Febbraio 27, 2011
Abitazione (privata)
· Stati Uniti
"Don't wake the sleeping guard dog."
Andreas BaumertAndreas Baumert · Gennaio 13, 2011
Abitazione (privata)
· Bloomfield, Stati Uniti