
1. Fraumünster

Münsterhof, Zurigo, Zurigo
Chiesa · Lindenhof · 20 consigli e recensioni

Otel.comOtel.com: At this important Zurich church, you will find artist Augusto Giacometti and March Chagall's famous stained-glass windows, as well as the fresco by Paul Bodmer. Photos/videos not allowed inside.

2. Grossmünster

Grossmünsterplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Chiesa · Kreis 1 · 51 consigli e recensioni

Otel.comOtel.com: This Romanesque church is one of the most important churches in Zurich. Make sure you go up the tower to get a great city view. Also check out the glass windows by artist Augusto Giacometti.

3. Kunsthaus Zürich

Heimplatz 1, Zurigo, Zurigo
Museo d'arte · Kreis 1 · 69 consigli e recensioni

Otel.comOtel.com: See some of the most important Swiss and international art here, including works by Edvard Munch, Alberto Giacometti, Johann Heinrich Füssli, etc. You can also visit their library for free.

4. Museo nazionale Zurigo

(Landesmuseum Zürich)
Museumstrasse 2, Zurigo, Zurigo
Museo di storia · City · 39 consigli e recensioni

Lucas W.Lucas Wyrsch: If you come to Zurich and you're interested in Swiss history, visit the Landesmusum in Zurich

5. Chinagarten

Bellerivestrasse 138 (Blatterwiese), Zurigo, Zurigo
Giardino · Kreis 8 · 23 consigli e recensioni

Hemera B.Hemera Beretta: Relaxing, lovely surroundings at the lake and well worth the walk from Bellevue.

6. Museum Rietberg

Gablerstrasse 15, Zurigo, Zurigo
Museo di storia · Enge · 20 consigli e recensioni

Amber S.Amber Steele: The place where R. Wagner wrote Tristan & Isolde.

7. Bahnhofstrasse

Bahnhofstrasse, Zurigo, Zurigo
Zona Pedonale · Lindenhof · 54 consigli e recensioni

Fons T.Fons Tuinstra: The most expensive street in the most expensive city of Switzerland. And Switzerland itself does not come cheap, already. Railway station is at hand, to flee to cheaper places. Leggi tutto.

Belvoirpark is one of Zurich.

8. Belvoirpark

Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Enge · 6 consigli e recensioni

9. Belvoirpark

Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Enge · 6 consigli e recensioni

yashyash: Walking through the park was fun. Lots of open grassland and pretty arches of both foliage and metal.

10. Giacometti Murals

Bahnhofquai 3, Zurigo, Zurigo
Sito storico e protetto · Lindenhof · 3 consigli e recensioni

dashiedashie: In the entrance hall to the city's police headquarters, a little masterpiece . Openinh hours quite short 9:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Museum Rietberg is one of Zurich.

11. Museum Rietberg

Gablerstrasse 15, Zurigo, Zurigo
Museo di storia · Enge · 20 consigli e recensioni

12. Cabaret Voltaire

Spiegelgasse 1, Zurigo, Zurigo
Luogo con spettacoli dal vivo · Kreis 1 · 22 consigli e recensioni

Christopher P.Christopher Pedregal: This is the bar where Dada-ism started. It's not quite as avant garde today, but still has a good vibe. Check out the Designomat, a designer vending machine selling bizarre items.

13. St. Peter

Sankt Peterhofstatt, Zurigo, Zurigo
Chiesa · Lindenhof · 7 consigli e recensioni

Otel.comOtel.com: One of the most important churches of the Old Town where you'll find the largest clock face in all of Europe. Located next to Lindenhof Hill, from where you can get great views of the tower.

14. Arboretum (Rentenwiese)

Seepromenade (Mythenquai), Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Enge · 13 consigli e recensioni

Rok H.Rok H.: Nice "small" park for relax, many people, many of them use barbecue and atmosphere is great!

Frau Gerolds Garten is one of Zurich.

15. Frau Gerolds Garten

Geroldstr. 23, Zurigo, Zurigo
Birreria all'aperto · Escher Wyss · 88 consigli e recensioni

LufthansaLufthansa: Hip location: beach club, open-air gallery and urban gardeners’ el dorado on a patch of gravel beside the rail tracks. More about Zurich in the LH Magazin iPad App (08/2014). Leggi tutto.

16. VBZ Stauffacher

Badenerstr., Zurigo, Zurigo
Stazione del tram · Kreis 4 · 7 consigli e recensioni

Marc R.Marc Ruef: Besides main station, Central and Paradeplatz, this is one of the main hubs of public transportation.

17. Bäckeranlage

Hohlstr. (Stauffacherstr.), Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Kreis 4 · 10 consigli e recensioni

EricaErica: A park and a restaurant for everybody: hipsters, moms, lovers and bums.. and somehow it all works together to make a friendly, chill hangout.

Josefswiese is one of Zurich.

18. Josefswiese

Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Kreis 5 · 17 consigli e recensioni

19. Landiwiese

Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Wollishofen · 7 consigli e recensioni

ollkaollka: Nice place to enjoy the lake in summer

20. Wipkinger Park

Kloster-Fahr-Weg, Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Wipkingen · 5 consigli e recensioni

Marta S.Marta Sieroslawska: Great place to enjoy the sun (grass to lay down) , swim (direct access to the river) or barbecue (concrete tables free to use). Two toilets nearby :)

21. Fritschi-Wiese

Fritschistr. (Zypressenstr.), Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Sihlfeld · 2 consigli e recensioni

MinaMina: Das Plaschbecken (welches eigentlich ein Brunnen ist) für die Kids ist der Hit!

Seepromenade is one of Zurich.

22. Seepromenade

Utoquai (Quaianlagen), Zurigo, Zurigo
Riva · Kreis 1 · 31 consigli e recensioni

flânerie f.flânerie féminine: An awesome spot for photo shoots!

23. Blatterwiese (Chinawiese)

Bellerivestrasse (Seepromenade), Zurigo, Zurigo
Parco · Kreis 8 · 5 consigli e recensioni

Susanne F.Susanne Filsinger: Wunderbar zum faul auf der Wiese liegen Leggi tutto.

24. Röntgenplatz

Röntgenplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Kreis 5 · 2 consigli e recensioni

Cy I.Cy Ineichen: Nice spot for a lunchtime-break - not more, not less

Zürichsee is one of Zurich.

25. Zürichsee

Zürichsee, Zurigo, Zurigo
Lago · 44 consigli e recensioni
Augustiner-Gasse is one of Zurich.

26. Augustiner-Gasse

Zurigo, Zurigo
Quartiere · 1 consiglio
St. Peterhofstatt is one of Zurich.

27. St. Peterhofstatt

St. Peterhofstatt, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Lindenhof · Non ci sono consigli né recensioni

28. Parkanlage Am Glattbogen

Altri grandi spazi all'aperto · Saatlen · 1 consiglio

29. Seebad Enge

Mythenquai 9, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piscina · 21 consigli e recensioni

Christopher P.Christopher Pedregal: Bar on the lake with a beautiful view. My favorite spot in summer. Swim out to the fountain and feel the water fall down on you. Then swim back and order a Gazosa...

30. Bellevueplatz

Rämistrasse (Utoquai), Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Kreis 1 · 45 consigli e recensioni

Amber S.Amber Steele: don't have a coffee @ café felix (bellevue) way overpriced and not good

Wasserkirche is one of Zurich.

31. Wasserkirche

Limmatquai 31 (Helmhaus), Zurigo, Zurigo
Chiesa · Kreis 1 · 1 consiglio
Kreis 1 - Altstadt is one of Zurich.

32. Kreis 1 - Altstadt

Zurigo, Zurigo
Quartiere · 4 consigli e recensioni
Evangelische Kirche Enge is one of Zurich.

33. Evangelische Kirche Enge

Bürglistrasse (Bluntschlisteig), Zurigo, Zurigo
Chiesa · Enge · Non ci sono consigli né recensioni

34. Friedhof

Sennenbergstrasse 11, Killwangen, Argovia
Cimitero · Non ci sono consigli né recensioni
Zürcher Spielzeugmuseum is one of Zurich.

35. Zürcher Spielzeugmuseum

Fortunagasse 15 (Rennweg 26), Zurigo, Zurigo
Museo · Lindenhof · 1 consiglio
Helvetiaplatz is one of Zurich.

36. Helvetiaplatz

Langstrasse (Stauffacherstrasse), Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Kreis 4 · 6 consigli e recensioni

samichlaussamichlaus: Farmers market on Tuesday and Friday morning.

37. Limmatplatz

Limmatplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Kreis 5 · 11 consigli e recensioni

Bravura L.Bravura Lion: Im Kaffee gibt es guten Kaffee ;)

38. Escher-Wyss-Platz

Escher-Wyss-Platz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Escher Wyss · 6 consigli e recensioni

AE N.AE N: it is going to be a very nice area - for concret lovers.... LOL

39. Bürkliplatz

General-Guisan-Quai (Bahnhofstrasse), Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Lindenhof · 31 consigli e recensioni

flânerie f.flânerie féminine: Take a seat and tell me: How are you doing today?

40. Paradeplatz

Paradeplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · City · 23 consigli e recensioni

Yana Y.Yana Yanina: Heart of financial capital of Switzerland. A lot of representation of different banks. Before it, in XVII century here was popular cattle fairs.

Löwenplatz is one of Zurich.

41. Löwenplatz

Löwenplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · City · 2 consigli e recensioni
Albisriederplatz is one of Zurich.

42. Albisriederplatz

Albisriederplatz, Zurigo, Zurigo
Piazza · Sihlfeld · 2 consigli e recensioni