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25 posti incluso Gan Bei, Il Patio, Akmens tilts, Melnā Bite
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"Delicious food, acceptable prices! The restaurant itself is in basement so, that could be a downside."
· Riga, Lettonia
7.0"Delivery time was delayed."
"Tasty food for a good price - especially business launch offer. On the downside- it’s pretty crowded, so the service isn’t at it’s best."
· Riga, Lettonia
7.3"Pretty fancy place, for decent prices."
· Riga, Lettonia
8.0"Great place to get some quality beer, but food isn’t that good."
"Best place to be in Riga, if you are not on budget. Great American cuisine, atmosphere, and friendly staff."
· Riga, Lettonia