Jose H

Jose H


Galveston, TX
  • 5 Suggerimenti
  • 130 Follower
  • 139 Seguendo
  • Liste 5

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Principali città di Jose
2 Liste create · 3 Consigli
1 Consiglio
Jose H
3 posti aggiornati Novembre 10, 2011
3 posti incluso Jason's Deli, Cindi's NY Deli Bakery, Jason's Deli
Jose H
21 posti aggiornati Ottobre 25, 2011
21 posti incluso OPM Nightclub, JR's Bar & Grill, Station 4 (S4), OK Sports Bar
Jose H
8 posti aggiornati
8 posti incluso Houston Zoo, Six Flags Over Texas, Saint Arnold Brewing Company, The Sixth Floor Museum
Jose H
2 posti aggiornati
2 posti incluso John's Room w/ View, Trees
Liste di JoseListe create da JoseListe Jose seguite
"This place is horrible, if your Mexican and need to renew your documents, you might as well start packing your bags. Their employees are rude, unorganized, bitchy and demeaning of their own race."
Jose HJose H · Dicembre 19, 2012
· Dallas, Stati Uniti
"Stephen the best bartender ever ask for his birthday cake or starfucker shot"
Jose HJose H · Ottobre 16, 2011
Bar per gay
· Dallas, Stati Uniti
"The bathtub the best place to take a nap..."
Jose HJose H · Agosto 2, 2011
Servizi commerciali e professionali
· Stati Uniti
"the parking here sucks epically"
Jose HJose H · Luglio 18, 2011
· Dallas, Stati Uniti
"Best Mexican food you will ever taste is made here..."
Jose HJose H · Marzo 31, 2011
Non categorizzato
· Mesquite, Stati Uniti