Anne Bracker

Anne Bracker


Lawrence, KS
  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 21 Follower
  • 8 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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Anne Bracker
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Anne Bracker
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"Les Byer has been mixing moist and dry clay for a long time - he's the go-to source in the region!"
Anne BrackerAnne Bracker · Luglio 18, 2014
Negozio d'arte e artigianato
· Marion, Stati Uniti
"The Annie B (bacon, cheddar, and avocado on your choice of grilled bread) is just one of the many delicious items on the secret menu. There are SO MANY yummy sammiches not listed on the official menu."
Anne BrackerAnne Bracker · Giugno 9, 2014
· Lawrence, Stati Uniti
"Find out who will be appearing ar the next Second Saturday Artist Series event for a free educational and inspirational demonstration each month. And also snacks."
Anne BrackerAnne Bracker · Giugno 8, 2013
Negozio d'arte e artigianato
· Lawrence, Stati Uniti
"Great classes for both adults and kids to explore creativity."
Anne BrackerAnne Bracker · Maggio 18, 2013
Galleria d'arte
· Lawrence, Stati Uniti